Cheda Mikic

Short biography

I am a Naturopath, Craniosacral therapist, TRE® trainer, QEC practitioner and Fascia specialist.

I have been working in the field of complementary medicine for over 25 years, using awareness, embodiment and emotional intelligence to help clients live freely, consciously and authentically.

In my earlier years I was an athlete.  Since then I have studied bodywork, naturopathy, biodynamic craniosacral therapy, TRE® (tension and trauma release exercises), QEC (quantum energy coaching), and much, much more.

My ongoing studies in the understanding and integration of trauma, and in post-traumatic growth, have transformed my approach to wellness and life. TRE® has played a major role in this transformation.

I am the head of the TRE Centre in London, UK,  and head of the TRE school in Rome, Italy.

I teach internationally to other practitioners and lay people.

I also teach specialised workshops on how to understand the anatomical, emotional and biochemical expressions of a body that has experienced stressful or traumatic event, working with movement, stillness, emotions and therapeutic touch.

In addition, I see private clients and and teach regular groups in London, Rome and online via Zoom.

+39 3331 418 768 Italychedamikic@icloud.comCorso Umberto 189c Bovalino 89034 Italy+44 7479 220 788 UKchedamikic@icloud.comSpace To Be You, 1st Floor, Mare Street WingSt Joseph's Hospice, Mare Street, London, E8 4SA

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